8 Tips to Stay Healthy While Working Remotely

Working from home is very common these days due to the global pandemic. Keep being healthy when working remotely can be a little bit challenging, but it is possible. 

At the first sight, working at home sounds so great since you can take a rest whenever you want. In fact, working remotely or working at home is somewhat difficult since there are lots of distractions. 

It is difficult to make boundaries and you can possibly eat whenever you want which is unhealthy.

While working at home or remotely comes with many advantages, it also can be a bit challenging to make a special time for your health. 

As we all know that many remote works involve long hours sitting in front of computers, and if you are not careful, your health can quickly go down. 

Following are useful tips you can implement to help ensure emotional, mental, and physical health while working remotely or at home.

1. Consistent sleep schedule

A strict work schedule can help to have adequate sleep. But, if you are consistent make sleep your main priority, you would be surprised at how productive you’re going to feel. 

Getting enough sleep can pay off big for your healthiness as well as contributing to sustainability. Some people assume that working at home is great as you can sleep whenever you want.

  • When you have done with your work, use the remaining time to sleep. It will make you feel healthy when you wake up.
  • Try to stick at the same bedtime and wake-time to better sleep quality. If you deny that, you can be tired all day long.
  • Avoid creating a daunting to-do list that can lead to stress. Instead, try to create a flexible schedule to accomplish in a day. It is recommended to be as intentional as possible when working remotely. It means that now you are working in a different schedule than you got in the office.

2. Get dressed

Even though you are working remotely, it doesn’t mean that you wear any clothes you want. Consider getting dressed before starting your job. 

Doing makeup and get dressed is believed to help you switch to work easier. You don’t need to wear a work outfit fully as you can keep it casual. 

Prepping your day will send a signal to your brain that this is your workday time.

3. Designing your workspace

While it is true that your laptop is your office, it will be great to have a special space to do your job. It means that you have a work corner in your home. 

This is another tip to prep yourself for work. To boost your motivation, try to keep the space as tidy as possible. There will be a certain feeling that comes up when having a designated and organized working space. 

It gives you a sense of caring for your work and yourself.

  • Creating a workspace
  • Switching old chair into an office chair
  • Add some wall decorations

4. Stay hydrated and eat regularly

Many people who work at home miss their mealtime due to their works. This is not good for health at all. For instance, when you miss your mealtime, your body will respond to it immediately. 

The next time you will eat too much. When starting work remotely, snacking and junk food becomes an issue, particularly when you are stressed. 

Switch to healthy foods is another form of self-care as it can give you nourishment to have more consistent energy. In the same way, make sure to stay hydrated. Fill up water and place it on your desk.

5. Involve your kids in a self-care regimen

Due to pandemics, schools and offices are closed. Your kids do not go to school nor can they go out to play. You can be more active and productive by involving your kids in your self-care regimen. 

When it comes to self-care regimens, it is important to show them that creating a routine is essential. Avoid being regimented and strict about it all. 

Here are things you can do while practicing self-regimen with your kids:

  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Aerobics

6. Avoid neglecting emotional health

Working at home or remotely can be a lonesome venture. Many people assume that working at home means that they have to work all day long in their home offices. 

That’s why it is important for remote workers to make time for social activities. Whether that is with your friends, family, neighbors, or other social connections. 

Social interaction is such an essential part of anyone’s emotional health and should not be neglected.

  • After working hours, you can try to join a local class,
  • Hanging out with friends,
  • Going on a picnic with your family, etc.

Nonetheless, the social activities you take apart shouldn’t be entirely outside work.

7. Building connection

Though you are working remotely, it doesn’t mean that you have to stick at home doing nothing. During your workday, you can hold a video conference with your coworkers or clients. 

It will help you to build connections and bonds with your clients and coworkers so you won’t be bored while working at home. You can make use of these online communication tools to build connections with your clients and teams:

  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • Google Hangout
  • Whatsapp Call

8. Meditation

Doing meditation doesn’t mean that you have to do this all day long. Instead, a five-minute meditation session is enough to relieve stress, increase productivity as well as helping you to feel centered and calm. 

You can try this occasionally all through the day. There are many kinds of meditations you try at home like:

  • Mantra meditation
  • Focused meditation
  • Spiritual meditation
  • Transcendental meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Progressive relaxation, etc.

Many remote workers are feeling difficult to find the appropriate time specifically for good health. 

Nonetheless, you can appropriately manage your time and then implement some life changes and routines to boost your overall health. 

The enthusiasm and extra energy you are going to gain can directly contribute to increased efficiency. Moreover, it can open up more positive change.

When it comes to improve health, keep in mind that wellness is more than physical health but also includes emotional and mental health. Those three components are the most important things to live healthily and happily.

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