16 Types of Meditation for Health and Mind

Many meditators are agreed that practicing meditation daily will have essential benefits for health and mind. There are lots of meditation types that come from different religions, spiritual disciplines, cultures, and traditions. 

There is not universally known the most effective or the best types of meditation as it is such an individual preference. You are free to choose which type of meditation that suits you. 

No matter who you are or which meditation method you choose, consistency is the key. Practicing meditation regularly will make your body and mind healthier. 

Here is a summary of some 16 types of meditation for health and mind you can consider.

Meditation methods

When it comes to meditation, it is hard to choose between unguided and guided meditation especially if this is your first time practicing meditation. 

Unguided meditation means that you don’t need any teacher or guide to practice meditation. This method is generally called silent meditation as you are practicing meditation alone. 

It involves sitting in quiet for a set period of time as well as paying attention to the thoughts and body. On the contrary, guided meditation involves a teacher guiding you when practicing meditation. 

The teacher will teach you some basic steps of meditation. This method is typically useful for newbies as the teacher is trusted and experienced.

Types of meditation

Before meditate, you should know that there are different 16 types of meditation for health and mind out there. 

Be sure to choose one that suits your needs. A wrong decision will remain negative effects on your body and mind.

• Chakra meditation

Chakra meditation comes from Sanskrit which means disk or wheel. It refers to the shape of whirling centers of energy that unite spirit, body, and mind. 

There are 7 chakras that begin from the top of your head to the bottom of your spine. Chakras are processing and distributing energy that is needed for your vitality, health, and well-being. 

The energy will flow easily throughout your body when the chakras are open.

• Focused meditation

Focused meditation means that you should concentrate by using your 5 senses. You can focus on internal things or even bringing external ones to help concentrate your attention. 

It seems so simple in theory, but it is quite difficult to hold focus for a set period of time especially for beginners. As the name suggests, focused meditation is suitable for those who need additional attention in their life.

• Kundalini meditation

Kundalini meditation is a form of meditation that focuses on channeling energy and then releasing stress from your mind. 

This energy-release process can create a communication system between your body and mind to relieve spiritual, physical, and mental issues.

Mantra meditation

This meditation type is derived from Sanskrit’s name “man” which means mind while “tra” means release. 

Mantra meditation is useful to release your mind especially if you cannot concentrate your mind appropriately. This meditation is useful to improve concentration and increase awareness.

• Mindfulness meditation

This meditation is generally named mental training as it teaches you to slow down your thoughts, tranquilize both your body and mind and release negativity. 

This type of meditation involves awareness of mind and body and deep breathing. To practice this meditation form, you don’t need any preparation at all. 

All you need is just a comfy place to sit, few minutes of free time, and also a neutral mindset.

• Movement meditation

Any type of moving meditation is considered a movement meditation. It includes various techniques as well. 

It is such an ideal meditation if you are energetic as it can be used as a productive alternative.

• Loving-kindness meditation

This meditation technique is typically used to reduce stress and boost well-being. If you are regularly practicing this type of meditation will be able to increase your capacity for self-acceptance, forgiveness, and others. 

This is such a difficult technique since you have to send kindness to others even though you don’t want to.

• Progressive relaxation

When you experience worry, stress, or anxiety, tightening up is the best way to overcome it. Progressive relaxation is a technique of relaxation that helps you to let go of tension in your body to feel calmer and more relaxed. 

The technique is quite simple as you just need to tense your body muscle and then let go of the tension to feel more relaxed. By practicing regularly, it can lower your stress levels and tensions.

• Qigong meditation

Qigong is a healing technique and exercise from the Chinese. It involves movement exercises, controlled breathing, and meditation. 

Some qigong meditations also involve meditation and breathing to promote health and spirituality while others include martial arts.

• Sound bath meditation

This meditation refers to a meditative experience who are bathed in sound waves produces by different sources such as rattles, gongs, percussions, tuning forks, and others. 

The main benefit of this meditation technique is to produce harmony to increase your well-being, expand your awareness as well as accessing inner far-sighted experience.

• Spiritual meditation

Spiritual meditation includes some elements such as chanted, spoken, and silent prayer. 

Within a religious context, this meditation technique supports a deeper connection with God. It also always includes kindness and compassion within the technique.

• Transcendental meditation

This technique requires a silent ambiance when practicing. It is highly recommended to avoid distracting thoughts to have a relaxed awareness. 

You just need to sit in a comfy position with your eyes closed as well as repeating a mantra silently.

• Vipassana meditation

Vipassana is considered the oldest Buddhism meditation. Your attention is carefully focused on the intense examination of certain aspects. 

It is such a gentle meditation technique with a thorough meditation instead. It is careful testing, mindful seeing, and also attentive listening.

• Visualization meditation

This meditation technique allows you to picture someone or something in your mind. 

By picturing a specific visualization, you can observe your mind as well as keep your focus on physical sensations.

• Yoga meditation

Yoga is aimed at strengthening your nervous system so you can overcome any problems and manage your stress.

• Zen meditation

This meditation is rooted in the psychology of Buddhists. The technique is aimed to regulate your attention. 

Sometimes, this technique is referred to as thinking about not thinking practice. You will be asked to sit in a lotus position with your legs crossed. 

During the meditation session, you have to focus your attention inside.

How long does the meditation work?

Several meditative techniques encourage you a focus on increased acceptance, slower breathing, and also heightened awareness. 

Meditation is not an instant technique that will give you an actual result immediately. However, many studies said that meditation can possibly work quickly. 

During the session of meditation, it is normal to feel more accepting, less stressed, and peaceful. With continual practice, you can feel these sensations out of the meditation session.

How often to practice meditation?

In fact, there is no recommendation of how often you should meditate. If you are a beginner, you can try to practice meditation once a week. 

Moreover, you are free to choose the time of your meditation session. Time is not a matter. If you meditate daily at the same time each day, you automatically include it in your daily routines. 

If you feel that meditation is helpful, you can increase the frequency as well. Or, every time you want to reduce your stress level, you can practice meditation whenever and wherever you want.

Factors that influence personal types of meditation

Choosing the right meditation technique is a daunting task as it will influence your body and your mind. 

When it comes to choosing the best meditation style that suits your personality, lifestyle, and development there are several factors that need to be considered.

• Meditation type

Since there are lots of meditation types available, it is wise to choose the best one that suits your needs. 

Before starting, make sure to choose one that works well on your body.

• Length

The length of meditation time also affects the type of meditation you should choose. 

The length of meditation can be a measurement of how successful the meditation will be.

• Meditation frequency

The length of meditation time correlates directly with the frequency of meditation you are going to choose. 

Ten minutes of meditation is enough to become your daily routine.

• Qualitative considerations

Not all sessions of meditation can be successful. Sometimes, the meditation quality can be less or even stunning. 

Hence, it is important to choose the appropriate place to practice meditation to develop your personal style of meditation.

• Meditation settings

Your ability to cut out noise is conducive to meditation. 

Nonetheless, you have to consider that a busy place sometimes can be good with a meditatively-minded person.

• Feedback and reflection

Feedback on the meditation method you have gone through is valuable as it can be used to evaluate whether or not the meditation is suitable for you. 

On the other hand, reflection is such an important key to understand your personal style. 

After completing the session, you will be able to know the differences in your style of meditation.

• Mindfulness and self-optimization

Keep being focused on temporary aspirations about your own meditation style, is not a good choice to take. 

Somehow, meditation can have some negative effects on some people.

It doesn’t matter which type of meditation you choose, just keep in mind to practice it regularly. 

Meditate regularly is very beneficial for your health and mind. Plus, it can make you more relaxed and less stressed. 

Now that you have read the 16 types of meditation for health and mind above, you may have a decision on which type of meditation you are going to choose.

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