10 business lessons that you won’t get at school

Many people want to be a successful business. Some of them think that they can be a successful businessman from school or taking the major of business at the university level. 

Can we achieve our goal in business by only enhancing business skills from an academic way? The dream of becoming a successful businessman often comes to the minds of many people. 

How could I not, a bright future, an established family and a luxurious life are certainly very tempting dreams. However, can such a thing be easily achieved? 

Of course, we can guess that this is never an easy thing. In fact, the lessons for doing business successfully we never actually learn in school or college. 

We may learn a lot of complex and detailed theories about business, but we have never acquired enough of the qualities needed to successfully enter the world of business. 

Below are the ten business lessons that are not taught in school/college.

1. Importance of Motivating Yourself

To be successful in business, motivation and determination are very crucial. Building a business is not the same as just trading to make ends meet. 

But here, a person’s mentality is tested so that he is willing, able, and consistently able to achieve something greater. Without strong motivation, the business will stagnate, or you will even give up easily when you take a steep road.

Your consistency and strong motivation are challenged in initiating and running your business. You need to keep strong and motivate yourself even when you face problems and challenges in the middle of your effort as a businessman.

2. You Won’t Be Rich in a Short Time

It is okay to have a dream of being rich with business. However, you have to think twice as this will not be easy. 

Many people think that being rich in business they can take the shortest possible time. In fact, there is a very long way to go to achieve a satisfying profit that will ultimately make you a rich person.

Therefore, it is good for your sweet dream and wakes up to execute what you already plan and get the results from your efforts.

3. Postponing Your Job Could Be the End of Your Life

Procrastination is the big enemy of success. Business is always a race against time. If you are good at managing your time, your work and your path to success are certainly easier. 

Unfortunately, eliminating laziness and the habit of procrastination is not as easy as the lecturer advises. Therefore, it takes strong motivation to not get into the trap of laziness.

However, the thing that you need to note also is your health. Work harder does not mean that you need to sacrifice your health. 

Your health is very important so that you need to have a life balance and know when you need to stop working in achieving your dreams.

4. Finding the Dream Team Is Not Easy

Having a great business team can indeed be a way that makes it easier for one’s business to develop well. Unfortunately, things like this are not easy. 

You must be selective and keep learning from experience to find the best partner for your business. It is important because, in fact, many businesses do not work well because a partner is not honest in running a business together. You must be careful about that.

5. Failure Can Be Right at Hand

Like it or not, success and failure are two inseparable things. When we want to be successful, it is not uncommon for us to be faced with several times or even many failures. 

Not only you, the world’s great businessmen like Jack Ma and Warren Buffet also experienced failures. However, they can be raised again through learning from their experience.

6. Those Around You Could Just Talk Dishonestly

To appear competitive, it could be that people around you are being dishonest when you ask their opinion about the idea or product you have. Therefore, don’t necessarily believe in other people’s opinions. 

You need to be more careful and wiser in making decisions. Even if your close friends give you advice or information, you need to be careful also and not directly believe what they say.

7. Being a Businessman Takes A Lot of Your Time

Being a businessman is good because you have a lot of free time for your family and yourself? If you think like that, it could be that this image is too beautiful. 

Especially at the beginning of the struggle to build a business, your time will be taken up tremendously. Never mind my time with yourself, you can sacrifice time for family too. 

But of course, if you don’t give up and succeed later, your hard work can pay off. By becoming a businessman, you can also respect your free time.

8. There Will Be Many People Laughing at Your Dream

When you have determination and big dreams, there will be many people who think your dreams are impossible. The good news is you are not alone in this. 

Many great businesspeople who start their careers are underestimated because they are considered to carry crazy ideas and don’t make sense. 

However, thanks to hard work and never give up, they have proven that their crazy ideas can become extraordinary things. You need to learn from this.

9. Discipline Plays a Key Role

Anyone who is pioneering and developing a business must have a disciplined attitude. This point is closely related to the point of eliminating procrastination and laziness. 

By being disciplined and a little hard on yourself, your business ideas and products will be successful.

10. Decision-Making Skill Is Very Important

What separates successful people from ordinary people? One of them is how successful they make decisions. Many people have weaknesses in making decisions which then affects their actions. 

Action can affect results and results can affect life. One way of making the right decisions is to use reason or logic, not feelings. 

You must weigh the positives and negatives of each alternative, to be more objective.

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